I recently interviewed Jordyn, owner of Brick House Tattoo & Co and also Brick House Bus, a mobile tattoo bus perfect for weddings and events. Jordyn is an incredible human and my tattoo artist! Her brick-and-mortar location in Toledo houses a team of very talented tattoo artists in the Toledo area. Read our interview below:
What inspired you to bring a tattoo truck to Toledo?
A few years ago I was chatting with a client during a session, who explained to me that he used to travel with big name bands and help set up their equipment for shows. He recalled some of these bands hiring personal tattoo artists, who would also tour with the band and tattoo the band members at their leisure. Before I started tattooing, I was a musician. Tattooing quickly took over my entire life and I didn’t have as much time to make music or perform anymore. That conversation with my client sparked the idea for the bus, thinking I could use the bus as an opportunity to get involved with the music scene again by tattooing at music festivals, concerts, etc. I love being able to combine my passions and it just seemed right. Obviously my original idea evolved into including other events such as weddings, but I’m just along for the ride!
How long have you been running the tattoo truck, and what has the response been like so far?
The bus actually took two years to remodel and bring my vision to life, so I’ve had the bus itself for about 4 years now. At first I didn’t know how to approach the health department with my idea, so I held off on promoting the bus and its services until recently. My first event on the bus was a music festival called Furnace Fest down in Birmingham, Alabama. From there the bus started gaining traction and I’ve since done weddings and other types of events. No matter the kind of event, the bus always seems to draw a large crowd. It’s awesome seeing people be as excited about my idea as I am and it’s been an absolute blast being able to take my career in this direction.
Do couples ever get wedding-themed tattoos on the day? If so, what are some memorable designs you love?
Sure! Some couples might prefer more laid back designs, like Roman numerals with their wedding dates, or maybe even coordinates of the wedding venue. You can’t go wrong with that. Other couples might prefer something completely unrelated but appreciate the symbolism of permanence. One wedding that I tattooed at was Star Wars/celestial themed, so the bride got a pretty Luna moth tattooed while her husband got an alien babe. The designs a couple choose can be as mushy, lovey-dovey or as far fetched as they please.
What’s the process like for guests who want a tattoo at a wedding? Do they plan designs in advance or choose on the spot?
After a couple books me for their wedding, I include a complimentary FaceTime or Zoom call to discuss all of the potential designs before hand. If there’s a theme for the wedding, I’ll match designs to the theme. If there’s any special requests, I make sure to cater to each and every request. Once wedding day rolls around, guests will pick from the large assortment of designs that were pre-made and approved by the couple. I usually make sure to provide a variety of designs that are guaranteed to please the many different preferences of guests.
Do you ever design custom tattoos specific to the wedding, like matching logos, dates, or symbols that tie into the couple’s story?
Absolutely! I communicate with the couples to cater to any requests/themes they may have for their big day. I enjoy making the experience as personalized as I can, so if there’s a way to incorporate unique logos/dates/symbols I jump on the opportunity. I also like to provide my couples with a gift for booking me, the gift being a framed custom portrait of the couple with all of the tattoo designs surrounding the portrait to hang up on their wall at home or put on display. Little things to celebrate their love.
What are some of the most popular tattoo requests you’ve received from wedding guests?
There are surprisingly no common requests as each couple seems to bring me something new, and the wedding guests are just happy to partake. I’m sure the longer I continue to do this, the more trends I’ll notice, but for now I’m enjoying the fresh takes of each event.
How do you set up and operate at a wedding? Do you need a specific amount of space or certain accommodations?
I usually will park directly in front of/next to the venue for easy access. Since the bus is a shuttle bus, it’s nowhere near as large as a school bus; therefore, finding a space to park is quite a bit easier. The bus is completely “off grid,” meaning that I require no additional electricity or any other special accommodations in order to operate. The beauty of being off grid is that I can truly tattoo ANYWHERE, no matter the venue or place.
What are the protocols you follow to ensure a seamless and safe experience for everyone?
In order to make the tattooing process as seamless as possible, I ask everyone interested in getting tattooed to write their names and phone numbers down on a sign up sheet, which I tattoo in order. When it’s a guest’s turn to get tattooed, I utilize a program that conveniently sends them a text message alerting them that I’m ready. I also require that all guests fill out an online consent form prior to getting tattooed, to ensure all parties’ safety. During the tattoo, I make sure to follow all health department requirements and guide lines to guarantee a safe and clean environment. There’s no difference between getting tattooed in the studio versus on the bus.
Are there any challenges you’ve faced when working at weddings, and how do you overcome them?
I’ve been lucky to have a pretty smooth experience working weddings so far. The only real challenge I could think of would be if a guest gets too intoxicated to be tattooed. I make sure to disclose that anyone who is overly intoxicated will not be tattooed ahead of time, so both parties know what kind of behavior is expected. If someone were to reach that point of intoxication, they can’t be mad if they’ve agreed to those rules prior.
What advice would you give to couples thinking about having a tattoo truck at their wedding?
I say just go for it! Your wedding is a one-time deal, and one of the most significant memories you will ever have. If investing a bit of extra money into your budget for the bus is what’s holding you back, just remember that in the end, you will only regret the things that you didn’t do. You can’t take money to the grave!
How can couples ensure their guests feel comfortable getting tattoos at the event?
Couples and their guests can take comfort in the fact that I am health-department certified and have nearly eight years of tattooing experience. All appropriate measures are taken to guarantee a pleasant experience, just as one would have at my brick and mortar studio.
Do you think a tattoo truck works best at certain types of venues or wedding sizes?
I take pride in providing an experience adaptable to all different venues and wedding sizes. I’ve worked events with 10,000 people, and I’ve worked events with 20 people. Every event is consistent and held to the same standard.
How do you see tattoo trucks evolving in the wedding industry? Is it a growing trend?
I haven’t seen too many tattoo trucks or buses quite yet, however there are more gradually showing up. Couples having tattoo artists at their wedding is for sure a growing trend, but artists usually set up inside of the venue, as opposed to actually bringing the shop to you via bus or truck. I like to think a truck or bus is a huge advantage, as you can control the cleanliness of the environment, where that may not be possible inside of the venue itself.
How can people get ahold of you for their wedding or event? Tell us about your brick and mortar location too!
I can be contacted via an Instagram message on @tinybabytattoo @brickhousebus @brickhousetoledo, via Facebook message on the Brick House Tattoo & Co. or Brick House Bus page, via email brickhousetoledo@gmail.com or thebrickhousebus@gmail.com, via phone 567-742-7099 or 419-779-4803, or via the website brickhousebus.com.
Our brick and mortar location, Brick House Tattoo & Co. is Toledo’s first woman-owned and operated tattoo studio, circa 2020. We pride ourselves on offering a unique and comfortable experience with an emphasis on inclusivity.
Anything else you want people to know?
I’m happy to serve all couples regardless of gender, sexuality, skin color, or body type. I look forward to making your special day something to remember!